One of our fundamental drivers is to be guided by Nature in all that we pursue. So, when we looked for the best way to practically implement our regeneration insights, Nature’s guidance was vital. We connected with representatives of the ancestral wisdom council, a global group of elders who have come together in the interests of regenerating Mother Earth.
For them the connection that they have with Nature is sacred and their knowledge is almost innate. They hold it at a level of purity and respect that is a high human concept which they never lost. They hold biodiversity as the greatest gift and look at the plunderers of Nature with love in their hearts.
As the trees of the Amazon have been cut, especially in recent decades, the Sky Rivers have dwindled and their lands have begun to degrade.
Their urge to protect Nature and their continued guardianship reached a historic point in 2022 when 200,000 indigenous people marched across the mountains into Santa Cruz in the heart of the Amazon.
They asserted their ancestral rights to form the world’s first Indigenous Sovereign Parliament to protect the Earth and their efforts were successful.
Comprising less then 5% of the world's population, indigenous people protect 80% of global biodiversity.
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After gaining their confidence and trust over many years, we co-created a heartbased, Community-focused Indigenous Regeneration Programme. Our aim is to begin a chain reaction of self-regenerating islands of abundance which helps those closest to Nature to help all life.