Keynote Speakers

Herman Wijffels
Herman Wijffels also served on a number of Boards in both the public and private sector, such as president of the Association ‘Natuurmonumenten’, the Board of Tilburg University and the Supervisory Boards of the Rijksmuseum, Utrecht University Medical Centre and TNO, as well as the corporate Boards of DSM and SHV.
In 2019 Herman Wijffels published the book “The Golden Mean, about an economy that works for people and the planet’. It is with this topic that he will open the conference.

Kees Hoogendijk
Kees received his masters degree in chemical engineering from the Delft Technical University in 1970. After working in the oil, gas and chemical industries for 25 years he became aware that chemistry should have other dimensions to enable the creation of products which are in harmony with the principles of Nature. In the next 25 years Kees dedicated himself to unlock the hidden secrets of Nature. This journey led to the science domains of quantum physics, number theory and supersymmetry. In 2016 this led to the creation of the Unifying Fields Foundation and the discovery of a new class of technologies in many fields which will shape the new era.

Guido Parchi
He was a co-founder and technical director of several Engineering, Software and Research companies. Currently he is CEO-CTO of Prometeon Srl, an engineering and research company developing innovative clean energy technologies. Prometeon is also a partner of Restoration Power, an innovative company funding and commercialising new energy technologies. Guido is also co-founder of FutureOn Srl, a research company focused on LENR technologies where he is currently the team manager for the EU project CleanHME (

Aletta Scheepstra
Aletta Scheepstra (54) is creative conceiver of new concepts and ideas at Pure Expressions and closely collaborates with the Unifying Fields Foundation since spring 2022. She has a background in Business Administration and is an experienced project- and innovation manager. Her connection with nature and intuitive grasp on the quantum field and related sciences has co-inspired this launching UFF Conference. During the conference she will assist you to digest the complex and multifaceted topics that are presented on this conference and look for simplifications, so the inherent wisdom of what is brought into our collective awareness becomes tangible to all present.